MacFormat 1995 October
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Strip-Mac! ƒ
Strip-Mac! Punishments
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FM Towns/JPY
Macintosh JP
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1,040 lines
'This is the STRIP-MAC! PUNISHMENTS file distributed with v3.0.3 of Strip-Mac!.
'Note: There MUST be a blank line after each card (including the final one).
'I welcome suggestions for new punishments.
'*****************************Clothing related*********************************
All players, including yourself, who are wearing <CP> must remove them now. <NN>
If today is a day of the week with an "r" in its name then you should remove your
outermost piece of clothing, otherwise remove your innermost piece. <NN>
If your crotch will be exposed by removing one more item of your clothing, remove
that item now. <NE> <NN>
If you have removed any clothing from above your waist, reclaim one such item and
instead take off an item of clothing from below your waist. <NN> <NE>
If you have removed your shoes or other footwear, reclaim them and instead remove
a different item of clothing. <NN> <NE>
If you're wearing a bra then remove it using only one hand. If you're not wearing
one then you must kiss <P>. <FA>
If you're wearing a bra then temporarily remove it using only one hand. If you're
not wearing one then you must slowly and thoroughly kiss your nipples. If you
cannot reach, then you must select someone else to do this for you. <FA><R>
If you will take off a piece of clothing then every other player must remove one
also. <NN>
If you will take off TWO pieces of clothing then every other player must remove
one. <NN>
<P> may remove your next piece of clothing. <NN>
<p> may remove your next piece of clothing. <NN>
<P> may remove your <C>. <NN>
<P> may remove any piece of your clothing. <NN>
<P> may now temporarily remove your <C>. <NN>
<P> may now temporarily remove any piece of your clothing. <NN>
<P> may remove any visible piece of your clothing. <NN>
<P> may remove your <C> using <%r> teeth. <NN>
Put on a bra if you aren't already wearing one. Now remove it using only one
Remove your <C> for <T> seconds. Every other player wearing that same piece of
clothing must remove theirs also.
Reveal a piece of your underwear for <T> seconds. If you aren't wearing any then
you must perform a favour for <P>.
Remove a piece of your underwear for <T> seconds. If you aren't wearing any then
you must perform a favour for <P>.
Reveal your pubic hair for <T> seconds. If it's already visible you must grant a
favour to <P>. <NN>
Reveal your left breast for <T> seconds. If it's already visible you must grant a
favour to <P>. <FA> <NN> <NE>
Reveal your right breast for <T> seconds. If it's already visible you must kiss
<P>. <FA> <NN> <NE>
Reveal your chest for <T> seconds. If it's already visible you must grant a
favour to <P>. <MA> <NN>
Reveal your butt for <T> seconds. If it's already visible you must grant a favour
to <P>. <NN>
If you are wearing three or more items of clothing, then <P> may take off your
If you are wearing less than three items of clothing, then <p1> may help you put
on whatever piece of clothing <%e> chooses. <NE>
Remove your <C> using only one hand. <NN>
Remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Remove your <C>. <NN>
Remove all your underwear. <NN>
Show everyone the front of your underwear. If there's a wet spot, remove one
piece of clothing. <MA> <NN> <NE>
Show your underwear to the first person who can guess its colour. <NN>
Stand in the middle of the room with your feet apart, facing away from the other
players. Now bend forward and place your palms flat on the floor for <T> seconds.
(You may bend your knees a little.) Try not to blush while the other players
laugh at you!
Stand passively in the middle of the room for <T> seconds. <P> may explore your
body with <%r> hands. <%e> may delve into your clothing, of course! <R>
Strip down to your underwear for <T> seconds. <NN>
There's good news and there's bad news... The good news is that ALL players must
remove a piece of clothing; the bad news is that you're one of them. <NN>
There's good news and there's bad news... The good news is that ALL other players
must remove a piece of clothing; the bad news is that you must remove TWO pieces.
Take off your underwear from under a pair of shorts -- without removing the
shorts. Temporarily put on underwear and shorts if you aren't wearing them.
Take of all your clothes and put on an overcoat or raincoat. You must now "flash"
at everybody. <NN>
Take of all your clothes and put then back on inside out.
Temporarily remove two pieces of clothing, and stand passively in the middle of
the room for <T> seconds. <P> may now explore your body with <%r> hands. <R>
The next item of clothing you remove must be from below the waist. <NN>
The next item of clothing you remove must be from above the waist. <NN>
Wet a t-shirt under a running tap, and then put it on with nothing underneath.
Let the other players look at you for <T> seconds. <FA>
You are a stripper at a sexy nightclub. Perform a seductive strip tease with all
except one of your remaining clothes. You may reclaim them afterwards. <NN> <NE>
You are a stripper at a sexy nightclub. Perform a seductive strip tease with all
of your remaining clothes. You may reclaim them afterwards. <NN> <NE>
You are to be blindfolded. Every other suitable player in turn may kiss you. If
you don't correctly identify the player then you must remove a piece of clothing.
(Maximum 2) <NN> <2>
You should remove one of your innermost pieces of clothing. <NN>
You should reveal one of your pieces of underwear for <T> seconds. If you're not
wearing any then remove a piece of clothing! <NN>
<P1> should tell you what <%e> thinks your bra cup size is. If <%e> is right
<%e> may stand behind you for <T> seconds and fondle your breasts. <FA>
Put on a blindfold. Using only your sense of smell, examine the girls of your
choice and correctly identify each one. If you are wrong you must leave on the
blindfold for the next 5 minutes. <2><MD>
Without removing any further clothing you are to place <P1>'s face between your
breasts for <T> seconds. <FA>
Without removing any further clothing you are to place <P1>'s face to your
breasts. <%e> may do what <%e> likes with <%r> face, nose, mouth and tongue for
<T> seconds. If you make any sound whatsoever, you are to strip to the waist and
repeat the performance. <FA> <R>
Without removing any further clothing you are to place <P1>'s face to your
breasts. <%e> may do what <%e> likes with <%r> face, nose, mouth and tongue for
<T> seconds. If you make any sound whatsoever you are to remove your knickers and
sit astride the victim's lap while the performance is repeated. This time you can
make as much noise as you want! <FA> <R>
You are a captured spy. <P> <%i> to tie you to a chair, your hands behind your
back, and your knees tied to the front corners. <%e> may now search you for the
hidden microfilm.
You are a captured spy. <P> <%i> to tie you to a chair, your hands behind your
back, and your knees tied to the front corners. <%e> may now search you for the
hidden microfilm. Clothing and body parts are no barrier! <R>
You have <T> seconds to name a movie with the word "white" in the title. If you
fail, <P1> will remove any of your clothes that are white. <NN>
Close your eyes. Each other suitable player may now run their hands over your
body in turn. If you don't correctly identify the player then you must grant them
a favour. <2>
Grant <P> three non-sexual wishes.
<P> may sexually arouse you in any manner for <T> seconds, but without using <%r>
hands. If you get an erection during this time then you must grant <%m> any
favour. <MA> <R>
<P> may sexually arouse you in any manner for <T> seconds, but without using <%r>
hands. If your nipples become erect during this time then you must grant <%m> any
favour. <FA> <R>
<P> may sexually stimulate you in any manner for <T> seconds, but without moving
or removing any further clothing. If you get an erection during this time then
you must grant <%m> any favour. <MA> <R>
<P> may sexually stimulate you in any manner for <T> seconds, but without moving
or removing any further clothing. If your nipples become erect during this time
then you must grant <%m> any favour. <FA> <R>
You are to be blindfolded. Every other suitable player may kiss you in turn. You
must grant a favour to those players you don't correctly identify. <2>
You are to grant one wish to <P1>, who may whisper it if <%e> wishes. However it
must be carried out now. It may not involve other players.
You are to grant one wish to <P1>, who may whisper it if <%e> wishes. It may be
carried out now, or later, in public or in private. It may involve other players.
You are to grant one wish to <P1>, who may whisper it if <%e> wishes. It may be
carried out now, or later, in public or in private. It may not involve other
players. <R>
You have been hypnotised. Without removing any further clothing, perform any act
required of you by <P>.
You have been hypnotised. Without removing any further clothing, perform any act
required of you by <P>. If you make ANY sound while doing so, strip naked and
repeat the act.
<P> will carefully cover your bare breasts with whipped cream. <%e> may now lick
them clean. <R> <FA>
Cover your chest with whipped cream. <P> may now lick it clean. <R> <MA>
<P1> may dab whatever <%e>'s drinking on an exposed part of your body then slowly
lick it off. <R>
<P> may smear a small amount of honey on your nipples then lick them clean. <R>
<P1> may smear a small amount of honey on your <BF> then lick it clean. <R> <FA>
<P1> may smear a small amount of honey on your butt then lick it clean. <R> <FA>
<P> may smear a small amount of honey on your genitals then lick them clean. <X>
<P> may smear a small amount of ice cream on your genitals then lick them clean.
<X> <MA>
Place an item of food on an exposed part of <P1> (to be chosen by <%m>). Now eat
it without using your hands. If it falls off, then remove an item of clothing.
Undress <PM1> as necessary, soak his genitals in your drink, and then lick him
clean. Repeat as often as necessary until you finish your drink. <FD><X>
Place an item of food on an exposed part of <P1> (to be chosen by <%m>). Now eat
it without using your hands. If it falls off, then remove an item of clothing.
'*****************************Honesty related********************************
Answer honestly any questions put to you in the next minute.
Describe, in detail, a sexual fantasy that involves tying up <P>.
Describe, in detail, a sexual fantasy involving <P>.
Describe, in detail, a sexual fantasy involving yourself and <P>.
Explain what sort of lover you think each person in the room would make.
Explain what sort of lover you think each person in the room would make.
For one minute describe, in detail, one of your sexual fantasies.
Tell <P> two reasons why you like <%m>.
'******************************Ice blocks**********************************
Drop an ice block down the front of your underwear. (Temporarily put some on if
you're not wearing any.) If you cannot completely melt it within <T> seconds then
you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
<P> may rub ice blocks over your testicles, which you must expose for the
purpose. <MA> <R>
<P> may rub ice blocks over your nipples. You need not remove any intervening
clothing. <FA>
<P> may rub ice-blocks over your nipples, which you must expose for the purpose.
Rub ice blocks over your nipples for <T> seconds.
Rub ice blocks over your nipples until they are erect.
Rub ice-blocks over your nipples for <T> seconds. If necessary, you must bare
them for the purpose.
Rub ice-blocks over your testicles for <T> seconds. If necessary, you must bare
them for the purpose. <MA> <R>
Do an impression of an American President. If the majority of the other players
aren't impressed then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of Elvis. If the majority of the other players aren't impressed
then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of Marilyn Monroe. If the majority of the other players aren't
impressed then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of Meg Ryan's orgasm scene from "When Harry Met Sally". If the
majority of the other players aren't impressed then you must remove a piece of
clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of Michael Jackson's crotch-rubbing dance movements. If the
majority of the other players aren't impressed then you must remove a piece of
clothing. <NN> <MA>
Do an impression of Madonna's crotch-rubbing dance movements. If the majority of
the other players aren't impressed then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of Rambo. If the majority of the other players aren't impressed
then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of a TV evangelist. If the majority of the other players aren't
impressed then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of yourself having an orgasm. If the majority of the other
players aren't impressed then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Do an impression of <P1> having an orgasm. If the majority of the other players
aren't impressed then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Pretend you are at the beach. Pretend you are drowning. Let <P1> pretend <%e> is
a lifesaver. Now allow <%m> to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation.
Engage in a long, slow kiss with <P>.
Engage in a long, slow kiss with <P>.
Engage in a long, slow French kiss with <P>.
Engage in a long, slow French kiss with <P>.
Give your very best kiss to the players of your choice. If none of them
subsequently admit to being aroused by it then you must remove a piece of
clothing. <NN> <2>
Kiss <P> in the armpits. (Oooo, ick!)
Kiss <P1>'s naked butt on both cheeks.
Kiss <PM1>'s <BM>. <FD>
Kiss <PM1>'s <BM>. <FD>
Kiss <PM1>'s <BM>. <FD>
Kiss <PF1>'s <BF>. <MD>
Kiss <PF1>'s <BF>. <MD>
Kiss <PF1>'s <BF>. <MD>
Select three volunteers. Blindfolded, identify who is who using your tongue! If
you fail to correctly identify all three, they may have their wicked way with you
for one minute. <3> <R>
<P> may rub, lick and fondle you through your <C> for one minute. <R> <NN>
<P> may rub, lick and fondle you through your underwear for <T> seconds.
Temporarily put some on if need be. <R>
<P> may rub, lick and fondle your <BM> for <T> seconds. <MA> <R>
<P> may rub, lick and fondle your <BF> for <T> seconds. <FA> <R>
<P> may lick your crotch through your underwear for <T> seconds. Temporarily put
some on if need be. <R>
<P> may rub, lick and fondle your crotch through your underwear for <T> seconds.
Temporarily put some on if need be. <R>
<P> may lick your inner thighs for <T> seconds. If you move at all during this
time, or make ANY sound, then you must grant <%m> any request. <R>
<P1> may rub, lick and fondle any and all parts of you through your clothing for
one minute. <R> <NN>
Temporarily strip down to your underwear. <P> may lick you for <T> seconds. <R>
Temporarily remove all your clothes. <P> may now lick your naked body from head
to toe. <R>
'*****************************Massage related*******************************
Imagine you are an Olympic swimmer preparing for the big race. <P1> is to play
the role of your coach who is helping you to prepare. <%e> is to help you take of
all your clothes; help you put on your bathers; and then massage your thighs for
<T> seconds to warm you up. <NE>
<P1> will cool things off by chilling <%r> hands in very cold water and then
applying them to your <BM> (inside clothing if necessary) for <T> seconds. <MA>
<P1> will cool things off by chilling <%r> hands in very cold water and then
applying them to your <BF> (inside clothing if necessary) for <T> seconds. <FA>
'I've made these R-rated as some of them can get quite steamy;
'e.g. "Bob is to rub his crotch against your nipples."
You must rub your <BM> against <PF1>'s <BF>. <MA> <MD> <R>
You must rub your <BM> against <PF1>'s <BF>. <MA> <MD> <R>
You must rub your <BM> against <PF1>'s <BF>. <MA> <MD> <R>
You must rub your <BM> against <PF1>'s <BF>. <MA> <MD> <R>
You must rub your <BF> against <PM1>'s <BM>. <FA> <FD> <R>
You must rub your <BF> against <PM1>'s <BM>. <FA> <FD> <R>
You must rub your <BF> against <PM1>'s <BM>. <FA> <FD> <R>
You must rub your <BF> against <PM1>'s <BM>. <FA> <FD> <R>
You must rub your <BM> against <PM1>'s <BM>. <MA> <FD> <R>
You must rub your <BM> against <PM1>'s <BM>. <MA> <FD> <R>
You must rub your <BF> against <PF1>'s <BF>. <FA> <MD> <R>
You must rub your <BF> against <PF1>'s <BF>. <FA> <MD> <R>
Give <P> a complete body massage.
Massage whatever part of <P1>'s anatomy that <%e> desires.
Massage <P1>'s legs.
Massage <P1>'s <BM> <FD>.
Massage <P1>'s <BM> <FD>.
Massage <P1>'s <BF> <MD>.
Massage <P1>'s <BF> <MD>.
<P> may slip a hand inside your <C> for <T> seconds. <NN> <R>
<P1> is to sit in an armless chair. You must sit on <%r> lap, facing inwards,
while <%e> caresses and kisses you for one minute.
Randomly select three females and caress their breasts through whatever clothing
they may be wearing. Now, while blindfolded, identify who is who by again
caressing their breasts. If you are wrong then they may have their wicked way
with you for one minute. <MD> <NE> <3>
Randomly select three guys and fondle their crotches through whatever clothing
they may be wearing. Now, while blindfolded, identify who is who by again
fondling their crotches. If you are wrong then they may have their wicked way
with you for one minute. <FD> <NE> <3>
Randomly select three guys and fondle their crotches through whatever clothing
they may be wearing. Now, while you are blindfolded, they will lower their pants.
Identify who is who by fondling their crotches again. If you are wrong then they
may demand any favour of you. <FD> <X> <3>
Rub your body against <P1>'s. <NN>
Rub your body against <P1>'s. <R> <N>
Sit on <P1>'s lap while <%e> caresses and kisses you for one minute.
If you have clothes on then remove them temporarily. Now sit on <P1>'s lap while
<%e> caresses and kisses you for one minute. <R>
Temporarily strip down to whatever the least clad player is wearing. Now rub your
body against <P1>'s.
'******************************Money related********************************
You've just lost <CR-> credits.
You lose <CR-> credits.
Graciously and sensuously serve drinks to all other players.
Graciously and sensuously serve a drink for <P>.
You are a waitress in a topless bar. Temporarily naked from the waist up, refresh
everyone's drink. <FA> <NN> <NE>
You are a waitress in a bottomless bar. Temporarily naked from the waist down,
refresh everyone's drink. <FA> <NN> <NE>
You are a waiter in a bottomless bar. Temporarily naked from the waist down, you
must refresh everyone's drink. Furthermore, this is the kind of bar where the
customers are allowed to fondle the merchandise. Don't spill the drinks! <NN> <R>
You are a waitress in a topless bar. Temporarily naked from the waist up, you
must refresh everyone's drink. Furthermore, this is the kind of bar where the
customers are allowed to fondle the merchandise. Don't spill the drinks! <FA>
<NN> <R>
You are a waiter in a bottomless bar. Temporarily naked from the waist down,
refresh everyone's drink. <NN> <NE>
<P> may fondle your inner thighs for <T> seconds.
<P> may tickle your feet for <T> seconds.
<P> may fondle your bare stomach for <T> seconds.
<P> may fondle your <BF> for <T> seconds. <FA>
<P> may tickle your <BF> with a feather for <T> seconds. <FA>
<P> may fondle your <BM> for <T> seconds. <MA>
<P> may tickle your <BM> with a feather for <T> seconds. <MA>
<P> may fondle your <BF> for <T> seconds. <FA>
<P> may tickle your <BF> with a feather for <T> seconds. <FA>
<P> may fondle your <BM> for <T> seconds. <MA>
<P> may tickle your <BM> with a feather for <T> seconds. <MA>
You are to be fondled all over by <P> for one minute. <!TI>
You will temporarily strip above the waist and stand in the middle of the room
with your hands clasped behind your head. <P> may fondle you on any exposed skin
for <T> seconds.
You will temporarily strip down to your underwear and lie backwards on your palms
and the soles of your feet. <P> may now fondle you for <T> seconds.
After the game you must shower with <P>. <R>
Be <P1> sex-slave for two minutes. Publicly perform whatever demands are made of
you. <R>
Do a hand-stand for <T> seconds. The other players can give you whatever help you
Do <T> seconds of full-contact "dirty dancing" with <P>.
Perform a newly invented, very erotic, sort of dance with <P> for <T> seconds.
Find a candle or some other phallic shaped object. You must perform a convincing
imitation of oral sex on this object or remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Give your genitals a name, and then tell them, with as much passion as you can,
how much you like them. If the other players are not impressed with your
sincerity then you must remove a piece of clothing. <NN>
Hide a coin somewhere in your clothing or body. <P1>, previously sent from the
room, has <T> seconds to find it. If <%e> fails then <%e> must grant you the
favour of your choice. <R> <NN>
Hula Hula! Strip to your underwear from the waist down, put your hands on your
waist and wiggle your hips for 20 seconds, turning round at least once.
If your nipples are erect then you must explain why. If they are not erect you
must explain why. <FA>
If you are erect then you must explain why. If you are not erect you must explain
why. <MA>
In preparation for a long journey north, you must prepare yourself for the cold.
Strip completely and let <P1> run ice cubes all over your body for <T> seconds.
It’s time to play Wacky Walk. Strip to your underwear and pull your jocks down to
your ankles (putting some on if necessary). Now clasp your hands over your head,
and shuffle around the room in a circle for one minute. <P1> will encourage your
progress by wacking your bare bottom as you walk. No need to hurry -- the trip
lasts a full minute! <MA>
It’s time to play Wacky Walk. Strip to your underwear and pull your panties down
to your ankles (putting some on if necessary). Now clasp your hands over your
head, and shuffle around the room in a circle for one minute. <P1> will encourage
your progress by wacking your bare bottom as you walk. No need to hurry -- the
trip lasts a full minute! <FA>
Jump around as if you are on a pogo stick for the next <T> seconds.
Make your nipples erect. <FA>
Make an erotic and steamy proposal to <P1>. If <%e> doesn't seem interested then
you must "flash" at the other players. <NN>
<P> may sexually stimulate you in any manner for <T> seconds. <%e> may not remove
any of your clothing. <R>
<P> may sexually stimulate you for 30 seconds but without moving or removing any
further clothing. If you make ANY sound at all during this time then you must do
10 push-ups. <R>
<P1> may sexually stimulate you in any manner for <T> seconds but without moving
or removing any further clothing. If you get an erection during this time then
you must perform a forfeit dreamed up by your tormentor. <MA> <R>
<P1> may sexually stimulate you in any manner for <T> seconds but without moving
or removing any further clothing. If your nipples become erect during this time
then you must perform a forfeit dreamed up by your tormentor. <FA> <R>
<P1> may perform the Amazon Death Grip on you for <T> seconds. <%e> sits in a
chair with you kneeling directly in front and facing towards <%m>. Then <%e>
crushes your head between <%r> thighs! <NE>
<P1> may pluck out one of your pubic hairs.
<P> may nibble your nipples for <T> seconds through whatever you are wearing. <R>
Put your hands behind your head and shake your breasts for 10 seconds. <FA>
Pluck out one of your pubic hairs.
Sit naked on <P1>'s lap for <T> seconds. <R>
Sit naked on <P1>'s lap for <T> seconds. <R>
Stand still while <P1> fondles your back and shoulders for <T> seconds. If you
make the slightest shiver, you must be <%r> slave for two minutes. <MD> <R>
Temporarily strip from the waist down, put your hands on your waist and wiggle
your hips for 20 seconds, turning round at least once.
Tell the filthiest joke you know. If no one is offended then you must remove a
piece of clothing. <NN>
The other players may position you in a sexy pose. Hold it for <T> seconds.
This is a test of mind over matter. Can you make your nipples erect within <T>
seconds? No touching is permitted. If you fail, <P> will help you. <R>
Without removing any further clothes, you're to support an orange or similar size
fruit in your cleavage. You may use your hands, but not to touch the fruit. Now
walk once around the room. If it falls off, the other players may decide on an
appropriate punishment for you to carry out. <FA>
You have 1 minute in which to think up a new punishment card for Strip-Mac!. If
you can't then the other players may do with you as they wish for <T> seconds.
P.S. Remember to send in your ideas for new cards.
You have 1 minute in which to think up a new surprise card for Strip-Mac!. If you
can't then the other players may do with you as they wish for <T> seconds. P.S.
Remember to send in your ideas for new cards.
You have 10 seconds to correctly state the product of <T>, <T> and <T>. If you
get it wrong you must grant <P> a favour.
You have 30 seconds to make up a four line rhyming poem that contains the words
"<BM>" and "<PM1>". If you fail you must remove a piece of clothing. <FD> <NN>
You have 30 seconds to make up a four line rhyming poem that contains the words
"<BF>" and "<PF1>". If you fail you must remove a piece of clothing. <MD> <NN>
You have <T> seconds to recite a dirty limerick.. If you can't remember one or
invent one in this time, you must remove an item of clothing.
You have been kidnapped by an alien who looks suspiciously like <P1>. <%e> ties
you to a table and examines you carefully to learn more about human anatomy. <%e>
is particularly interested in touching and tasting your <BF>. After <T> seconds
of serious groping, <%e> returns you to Earth with one less piece of clothing
than you were wearing when kidnapped. <FA> <R>
You have been kidnapped by an alien who looks suspiciously like <P1>. <%e> ties
you to a table and examines you carefully to learn more about human anatomy. <%e>
is particularly interested in touching and tasting your <BM>. After <T> seconds
of serious groping, <%e> returns you to Earth with one less piece of clothing
than you were wearing when kidnapped. <MA> <R>
You must stick your nose in <P1>'s navel for <T> seconds.
You must keep your left hand pressed against your right breast for the next five
You must keep your right hand down the front of your underwear for the next five
minutes. If you're not wearing any underwear then you must grant a favour to <P>.
You must perform a convincing imitation of a guy masturbating, or remove a piece
of clothing. <NN>
You must perform a convincing imitation of a guy masturbating. Continue until the
other players are satisfied with your performance.
You must perform a convincing imitation of a girl masturbating, or remove a piece
of clothing. <NN>
You must perform a convincing imitation of a girl masturbating. Continue until
the other players are satisfied with your performance.
You're to temporarily strip sufficiently for the purpose then hang a cup or mug
on your penis, and walk once around the room. If it falls off, the other players
may decide on an appropriate punishment for you to carry out. <R> <MA>
You must begin singing your school song. If you can't remember it (or if you
can't fake one), <P1> will be allowed to teach you a lesson. (Three whacks was
the standard punishment at my old school.)
<PM1> will lie on the floor on his back, stripped to his underwear. (If he is not
wearing any, help him put on a pair.) Now, with your crotch bare, sit astride him
and slowly move your hips in a sexual motion for one minute or until either he
gets an erection or you have an orgasm. <FD> <X>
You must wear a blindfold for the next 5 minutes.
You must wear a blindfold for the next 10 minutes.
You must shave off a small patch of your chest hair. If you don't have any chest
hair then you must grant a favour to <P>. <MA>
You must shave off a small patch of your pubic hair. If you don't have any pubic
hair then you must grant a favour to <P>. <R>
'*************************Miscellaneous X-rated*****************************
Induce an erection in every male in the room! <X> <FD>
Make yourself erect. <MA> <X>
Make <PM> erect. <X> <FD>
<PM1> is to stand up. You must temporarily strip him from the waist down and then
make him erect! <X> <FD>
<P> <%i> to make you erect. Upon <%r> command you have 15 seconds to totally lose
the erection or you must grant <%m> ANY favour. <X> <MA>
<P> <%i> to make your nipples erect. Upon <%r> command you have 15 seconds to
make them "unerect" or you must grant <%m> ANY favour. <X> <MA>
Stand passively in the middle of the room for <T> seconds. <P> may now explore
your naked body with <%r> tongue<%s>. <X>
You are a trumpeter; play one chorus of "When the Saints go Marching In". If you
forgot to bring your trumpet, select a likely male, temporarily strip him below
the waist, and play the tune on his instrument. <FD> <X>
<P> can have one minute to bring you to orgasm -- but without using hands. <X>
Put a condom on <PM1>. <FD> <X>
Remove all your remaining clothing and leave the room. The other players have one
minute to decide upon an X-rated punishment for you to perform. After you have
performed your punishment, you may replace whatever clothing you took off. <X>
Using your teeth, GENTLY decide which male has the firmest phallic shaft at this
moment! <FD> <X>
Without looking, you must state whether <PM1> is circumcised. If you are wrong
then you must bring him to orgasm. If you are correct, then he must bring you to
orgasm. <X> <FD>
Without looking, you must state the colour of <P1>'s pubic hair. If you are wrong
then you must bring <%m> to orgasm. If you are correct, then <%e> must bring you
to orgasm. <X>
'****************************Optional activities*****************************
<P> may gently bite your nipples. <R> <!BI>
<P> may gently bite the nape of your neck. <!BI>
<P> may gently bite and nibble your <BF>. <!BI> <FA>
<P> may gently bite and nibble your <BM>. <!BI> <MA>
'*****************************B&D (submissive)*******************************
You are to be tied to a chair. <P> may do anything to you for one minute. <!BDS>
You are to be tied to a bed. <P> may do anything to you for one minute. <!BDS>
You are to be tied to a table. <P> may do anything to you for one minute. <!BDS>
You are to be tied to a sofa. <P> may do anything to you for one minute. <!BDS>
You are to be blindfolded, then stripped and tied to a chair. <P> may do anything
to you for one minute. <!BDS> <X>
You are to be blindfolded, then stripped and tied to a bed. <P> may do anything
to you for one minute. <!BDS> <X>
You are to be blindfolded, then stripped and tied to a table. <P> may do anything
to you for one minute. <!BDS> <X>
You are to be blindfolded, then stripped and tied to a sofa. <P> may do anything
to you for one minute. <!BDS> <X>
You are to be blindfolded and placed on the floor or a bed with your hands tied
behind your back. <P1> will kneel over you and rub <%r> genitals on your face for
ten seconds. You are to identify <%m>. If you make a mistake, then you must grant
<%m> any request. <!BDS> <X>
The other players are to strip you and blindfold you then tie your hands behind
your back. They may now fondle you steadily until your next turn. <!BDS> <X>
You have been a bad slave. <P> may punish you. <!BDS>
You have been a bad slave. Your owner<%s>, <P>, may punish you by spanking your
naked bottom until you promise to be a good slave and obey all <%r> wishes. <MD>
<!BDS> <!SP>
You have been a bad slave. Crawl to each person in the room and abjectly ask
their forgiveness. If they don't believe that you are truly repentant, you must
allow each to do whatever they want to you. <!BDS>
You have been a bad slave and must be lashed 10 times with a limp penis! Inspect
each of the guys in turn until you find one who is not erect. He will spank your
bare butt with his penis. <FD> <X> <!BDS>
'Here in Western Australia (and elsewhere?) "skol" is pronounced "skul" and means
'to drink quickly without stopping.
Skol a can of beer in under 30 seconds. If you fail to do so then you are to take
off a piece of clothing. <!DR> <NN>
Skol a can of beer or a double measure of spirits. <!DR>
Skol a glass of beer while singing the Australian national anthem. If you don't
know the words then you must skol an entire can. If you don't know what the
Australian national anthem IS then you must skol two cans. Bloody foreigners! :-)
Skol a glass of beer while singing the national anthem of the United States. If
you don't know the words then you must skol an entire can. If you don't know what
the U.S. national anthem IS then you must skol two cans. <!DR>
Skol a glass of beer while singing the English national anthem. If you don't know
the words then you must skol an entire can. If you don't know what the English
national anthem IS then you must skol two cans. <!DR>
Skol a glass of beer while singing the French national anthem -- in French! If
you can't then you must skol an entire can. <!DR>
Skol a single measure of spirits. <!DR>
Skol a double measure of spirits. <!DR>
Skol a triple measure of spirits. <!DR>
Clasp your hands behind your head, walk in front of each player, and ask each one
to examine you carefully (visually) front and back. <N> <!EX>
Clasp your hands behind your head, walk in front of <p1>, and ask <%m> to
estimate the temperature of your penis by stroking it with <%r> hand. <MA> <R>
<N> <!EX>
Describe in detail an exhibitionist fantasy involving you and <p>. <!EX>
Describe in full erotic detail a high-risk exhibitionist fantasy in which you are
the main attraction. <!EX>
Describe fully an exhibitionist fantasy which you could readily carry out. You
must then either commit to carrying out your plan within 48 hours, with at least
one other player as a witness, or remove an item of clothing. <NN> <NE> <!EX>
If you are brave enough to stand naked outside the front door for <T> seconds
then every other player in the room must remove a piece of clothing. <!EX>
Run out into the street while naked! <!EX>
Temporarily strip, clasp your hands behind your head, walk in front of each
player, and ask each one to examine you carefully (visually) front and back. <NN>
Temporarily strip, clasp your hands behind your head, walk in front of <p>, and
ask <%m> to estimate the temperature of your penis by stroking it with <%r> hand.
<MA> <R> <NN> <!EX>
Unzip, etc. to expose your penis through your clothing and leave it sticking out
for the next 5 minutes. <MA> <NN> <R> <!EX>
You must pose nude while another player takes a photo of you. You get to keep the
photo. <!EX> <NE>
You must masturbate while another player takes a photo of you. You get to keep
the photo. <!EX> <!MA> <X>
Lick <P1>'s toes for <T> seconds. <!FE>
Suck <P1>'s toes for <T> seconds. <!FE>
Pretend <P1>'s toes are sex toys and use them to rub your crotch for one minute.
Apply baby oil or something similar to your hand and, using an extremely slow and
gentle action, masturbate for not less than 50 strokes as the other players
slo-o-o-owly count them off. <X> <!MA>
Describe your first masturbation experience. <!MA> <NE>
Describe a hot masturbation fantasy. <!MA> <NE>
Describe a hot masturbation fantasy involving <P>. <!MA> <NE>
Masturbate in front of <P> for <T> seconds. <X> <!MA>
Masturbate in front of the other players for <T> seconds.<X> <!MA>
Masturbate to orgasm in front of the other players. If you don't succeed within
two minutes then you must stand naked outside the front door for <T> seconds. <X>
Masturbate to orgasm in front of the other players. If you don't succeed within
two minutes then you must lie naked on a bed or a sofa while <P> masturbates you
for another two minutes. <X> <!MA>
Attempt to arouse <P> by talking dirty. If you don't succeed (by general
consensus) then you are to be spanked. <!SP>
Let’s take a paddle boat ride. Undress down to your underwear then pull your
panties down to just above your knees (putting some on if necessary). Now assume
a crawling position on the floor, and crawl around the room in a circle for one
minute. <P1> will apply a paddle to your bare bottom as you cruise around the
room. <FA> <!SP>
Let’s take a paddle boat ride. Undress down to your jocks (putting some on if
necessary) then pull them down to just above your knees. Now assume a crawling
position on the floor, and crawl around the room in a circle for one minute. <P1>
will apply a paddle to your bare bottom as you cruise around the room. <MA> <!SP>
<P> may spank you for one minute. <!SP>
<P1> may strip you from the waist down. Now lie across <%r> lap and have your
bare bottom spanked for one minute.<R> <!SP>
With a blindfold on, kiss three other players and then say who was who. If you
fail to correctly identify them, then you must remove a piece of clothing or, if
you are naked, be spanked by all three. <3>
You're to strip from the waist down, lie across <P1>'s lap and have your bare
bottom spanked for one minute. <R> <!SP>
You are a student who has misbehaved and been sent to the principal’s office.
<P1>, the principal, will ask you to undress down to your underwear and bend over
the table, then <%e> will pull your underwear down, get out the “Board of
Education”, and paddle your bottom for <T> seconds. If you make any noise the
Principal will paddle your bottom for another <T> seconds. <!SP> <NN>
You are to have your butt spanked by everyone who wishes to do so. <!SP>
You are to lie across <P1>'s lap and have your butt spanked for one minute. <!SP>
You are to lie across <P1>'s lap and have your naked butt spanked for one minute.
'********************************Sex toys*************************************
Arouse yourself with a sex toy or some other phallic shaped object for the next
<T> seconds. <FA> <!SE> <R>
<P> may tickle your inner thighs for <T> seconds. <!TI>
<P> may tickle your feet for <T> seconds. <!TI>
<P> may tickle your bare stomach for <T> seconds. <!TI>
<P> may tickle your <BM> for <T> seconds. <MA> <!TI>
<P> may tickle your <BM> with a feather for <T> seconds. <MA> <!TI>
<P> may tickle your <BF> for <T> seconds. <FA> <!TI>
<P> may tickle your <BF> with a feather for <T> seconds. <FA> <!TI>
You are to be tickled all over by <P> for one minute. <!TI>
You will temporarily strip above the waist and stand in the middle of the room
with your hands clasped behind your head. <P> may tickle you on any exposed skin
for <T> seconds. <!TI>
You will temporarily strip down to your underwear and lie backwards on your palms
and the soles of your feet. <P> may tickle you for <T> seconds. <!TI>
'*******************************Water works***********************************
<P1> may watch while you pee. <R> <!WA>
Pee while everyone watches. <R> <!WA>
<P1> may whip you on your bare buttocks 5 times with a belt or leather strap.
You have been very naughty. <P1> is going to put you over <%r> knee and spank
your bare behind hard for a full minute. If you make a sound then <%e> may spank
you for another minute -- but this time with a belt! <!WH>